What is YCL Spiritual Bootcamp?

YCL Spiritual Bootcamp can help you spiritually prepare to be a YCL. It can help you to understand the theme that was chosen and how it can help you find peace in Christ! So this year…in 2020, our theme is P.E.A.C.E. and we hope that all the scriptures, conference talks and songs help you find peace and prepare you to pass that along to the girls you will be leading! This year we are starting out with once a week posts until we are closer to our camp dates, when it will be daily. Good luck and thank you for participating! You are awesome and will be the best YCLs!

  1. Facebook: Silverdale Stake YCLs
  2. Subscribe to our blog to get emails
    After you subscribe make sure to accept the invitation
  3. Instagram: ssycls.
    Instagram is a little more tricky…there is a link in the bio. It will take you to the YCL page, but for bootcamp you will need to scroll to find “YCL Updates and Reminders” and find day you need!
  4. You can also download from the YCL page.