Camp Songbook

3 Chartreuse Buzzards

3 Chartreuse Buzzards

3 Chartreuse buzzards, 3 Chartreuse buzzards
3 Chartreuse buzzards sitting in a dead tree.
Oh look! One has flown away! What a shame!

2 Chartreuse buzzards, 2 Chartreuse buzzards
2 Chartreuse buzzards sitting in a dead tree.
Oh look! One has flown away! What a shame!

1 Chartreuse buzzard, 1 Chartreuse buzzard,
1 Chartreuse buzzard sitting in a dead tree.
Oh look! He has flown away! What a shame!

No Chartreuse buzzards, No Chartreuse buzzards
No Chartreuse buzzards sitting in a dead tree.
Oh look! One has returned! Let us rejoice!

1 Chartreuse buzzard, 1 Chartreuse buzzard
1 Chartreuse buzzard sitting in a dead tree.
Oh look! One has returned! Let us rejoice!

2 Chartreuse buzzards, 2 Chartreuse buzzards
2 Chartreuse buzzards sitting in a dead tree.
Oh look! One has returned! Let us rejoice!

3 Chartreuse buzzards, 3 Chartreuse buzzards
3 Chartreuse buzzards sitting in a dead tree!

Ann Marie Loves Pierre

Ann Marie Loves Pierre
Ann Marie, she loves Pierre
It’s written on the café sidewalks everywhere
John Pierre, he loves Marie
It’s written on a heart they carved upon a tree
Ann Marie, she said one day
“I love you very much so let us run away.”
John Pierre, he said “Oui, oui.”
And ran to tell his friends, “I’m marrying Ann Marie!”
They went off into the park
But they were getting hungry and it was getting dark
They got back before too late,
For Ann Marie was seven, and John Pierre was eight

Baby Shark

Baby shark doo doo do doo doo doo ( x3)
Baby shark
Mommy shark doo doo do doo do doo(x3)
Mommy shark
Daddy shark doo doo do doo do doo(x3)
Daddy shark
Gramma shark doo doo do doo do doo(x3)
Gramma shark
Goin’ swimmin’ doo doo do doo do doo(x3)
Goin’ swimmin’
Saw a shark doo doo do doo do doo(x3)
Saw a shark
Swim away doo doo do doo do doo(x3)
Swim away
Shark attack doo doo do doo do doo(x3)
Shark attack
Lost an arm doo doo do doo do doo(x3)
Lost an arm
Lost a leg doo doo do doo do doo(x3)
Lost a leg
CPR doo doo do doo do doo(x3)
It’s not working doo doo do doo do doo(x3)
It’s not working
Went to heaven doo doo do doo do doo(x3)
Went to heaven
Got kicked out doo doo do doo do doo(x3)
Got kicked out
Came back a baby shark( repeat entire song)

Bazooka Bubble Gum

My mom gave me a penny
She told me to buy a henny
But I didn’t buy no henny
Instead, I bought some bubblegum.
Bazooka-zooka bubblegum
Bazooka-zooka bubblegum
Dime… Lime
Quarter… Water
Dollar… Collar
My mom gave me a five
She said to stay alive
But I didn’t stay alive
Instead, I choked on bubblegum.
Bazooka-zooka bubblegum
Bazooka-zooka bubblegum

Black Socks

(Repeat over & over getting louder with each repetition)

Black socks! They never get dirty
The longer you wear them, the blacker they get
Some day, I think I might wash ‘em
But something inside me just tells me not yet!

Boom Chicka Boom

(repeat after me song)
I said a boom chicka boom
I said a boom chicka boom
I said a boom chicka locka chicka locka chicka boom!
( repeat with different styles: example; valley girl, janitor, old lady… etc)

Bumble Bee

I’m bringing home a baby bumble bee
Won’t me mama be so proud of me
I’m bringing home a baby bumble bee
Ouch! It stung me!

I’m squishing up my baby bumble bee
Won’t my mama be so proud of me
I’m squishing up my baby bumble bee
Ew! It’s all over me!

I’m licking up my baby bumble bee
Won’t my mama be so proud of me
I’m licking up my baby bumble bee.
Ugh, I don’t feel so good!

I’m throwing up my baby bumble bee.
Won’t my mama be so proud of me
I’m throwing up my baby bumble bee
Ew! It’s everywhere!

I’m mopping up my baby bumble bee
Won’t my mama be so proud of me
I’m mopping up my baby bumble see
Oh look! Another one!

Cannibal King

Oh the…Cannibal king with the big nose ring
Fell in love with a dusky maid
And every night, beneath the pale moon light
Across the bay he came
He hugged and he kissed his pretty little miss
Under the bamboo tree
And every night beneath the pale moonlight
It sounded like this to me

Baroom ( kiss kiss), Baroom ( kiss kiss)
Under the bamboo tree
Baroom ( kiss kiss), Baroom (kiss kiss)
It sounded like this to me

I’ll build a bungalow big enough for two
Big enough for two my honey, Big enough for two
Then we’ll be married, Happy we’ll be
Under the bamboo, under the bamboo tree

And you’ll be M-I-N-E mine
I’ll be T-H-I-N-E thine
And I’ll L-O-V-E love you
All the T-I-M-E time
You are the B-E-S-T best
Of all the R-E-S-T
And I’ll L-O-V-E love you
All the T-I-M-E time
Rack ‘em up, Sack ‘em up, Any old time!!

Da Moose

Da Moose, Da Moose
Da Moose, Da Moose
Swimming in da water
Eating his supper
Where did he go?
He went to sleep
Dead Moose, Dead Moose
Floating in da water
Not Eating his supper
Where did he go?
He decomposed

Gofer Girls

We are the gofer girls
We always go for guys
But they never go for us
I wonder why? (gofer sounds)

Honey You Can’t Love One

Honey you can’t love one ( one) (x2)
You can’t love one and still have fun.
I’m leaving on the midnight train. Ladidah, oh boys, some fun, woot woot.
(Follow same form)
Honey you can’t love two… three… four…ten
You can’t love two and still be true…
You can’t love three and still have me…
You can’t love four and still want more…
You can’t love five and still be alive…
You can’t love six and still play tricks…
You can’t love seven and still go to heaven…
You can’t love eight and still be straight…
You can’t love nine and still be mine…
(Slower) Honey you can’t love ten (budadadada) (x3)
You can’t love ten so kiss me again. I’m leaving on the midnight train.

Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty on a log
Humpty Dumpty has a great fall
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men said,
Uh! Ain’t that funky now!

Hump, hump dee Dumpty Dumpty
Hump dee dump
Hump hump dee Dumpty Dumpty

Jack and Jill went up a hill
To fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown
And Jill said UH! Ain’t that funky now!

Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet
Eating her curds and whey
And then a big spider sat down beside her
And said UH! Ain’t that funky now!

Little Jack Horner sat in a corner
Eating his Christmas pie
He stuck in his thumb and pulled out a plumb
And said UH! Ain’t that funky now!

I Love the Mountains

I love the mountains.
I love the rolling hills.
I love the flowers.
I love the daffodils.
I love the fireside.
When all the lights are low.

Boom dee ah dah. Boom dee ah dah.
Boom dee ah dah. Boom dee ah dah.
Boom dee ah dah. Boom dee ah dah.
Boom dee ah dah. Boom dee ah dah.

I love the ocean
I love the open sea
I love the forest
I love the bumblebees
I love the stars above
When night turns into day

Boom dee ah dah. Boom dee ah dah.
Boom dee ah dah. Boom dee ah dah.
Boom dee ah dah. Boom dee ah dah.
Boom dee ah dah. Boom dee ah dah.
I love the sunshine
I love the butterflies
I love the windblow
I love the river flow
I love the city lights
When the moon is high

Boom dee ah dah. Boom dee ah dah.
Boom dee ah dah. Boom dee ah dah.
Boom dee ah dah. Boom dee ah dah.
Boom dee ah dah. Boom dee ah dah.

I’m a Nut

I’m a little acorn round
Sitting on the cold hard ground
People come and step on me
That is why I’m cracked you see
Imma nut
Imma nut
Imma nut, Imma nut

Called myself up on the phone
Just to see if I was home
Asked myself out on a date
Pick me up at a quarter past eight.
Imma nut
Imma nut
Imma nut, Imma nut

Took myself to the movie show
Sat myself in the very back row
Put my arm around my waist
Got so fresh I slapped my face
Imma nut
Imma nut
Imma nut, Imma nut

If I Were Sister Gillespie

If I were Sister Gillespie,
there’s no one I’d rather be
If I were Sister Gillespie,
A preacher I would be;
Hallelujah! Amen! Pass the plate around again!
Hallelujah! Amen! Pass the plate around again!

If I were Sister Gillespie,
there’s no one I’d rather be
If I were Sister Gillespie,
A plumber I would be;
Plunge it! Flush it! Look out below!
Plunge it! Flush it! Look out below!

If I were Sister Gillespie,
there’s no one I’d rather be
If I were Sister Gillespie,
A milk maid I would be!
Give Bessy, give! The baby’s gotta live!
Give Bessy, give! The baby’s gotta live!

King Aratacus

Oh the…
Oh the ladies of the harem in the court of King Aratacus, were just passing by. (x3)

Oh the boys who put the powder on noses of the faces of the ladies of the harem in the court of King Aratacus, were just passing by. (x3)

Oh the fascinating witches who put stimulating stitches on the britches of the boys who put the power on the noses of the faces of the ladies of the harem in the court of King Aratacus, were just passing by. (x3)

If you want to take a picture of the fascinating witches who put stimulating stitches on the britches of the boys who put the power on the noses of the faces of the ladies of the harem in the court of King Aratacus, well you’re too late! They just passed by.

Little Red Wagon

You can’t ride in my little red wagon
The front wheel’s broken and the axel’s draggin’
You can’t ride in my little red wagon anymore today

2nd verse same as the 1st
but a whole lot louder and a whole lot worse!!

You can’t ride in my little red wagon
The front wheel’s broken and the axel’s draggin’
You can’t ride in my little red wagon anymore today

3rd verse same as the 1st
but a whole lot of Elmer Fudd and a whole lot worse!

You can’t wide in my wittle wed wagon
The front wheel’s woken and the waxel’s waggin’
You can’t wide in my wittle wed wagon anymore today
(then laugh like Elmer Fudd)


YCL: Give me a big M
Girls: big M!
YCL: Give me a little m
Girls: little m

Don’t give me no pop, no pop
Don’t give me no juice, no juice
Just give me that milk, Moo moo moo moo
Just give me that milk, Moo moo moo moo

YCL: Give me a big I
Girls: big I
YCL: Give me a little i
Little i

YCL: Give me a big L
Girls: big L
YCL: Give me a little l
Girls: little l

YCL: Give me a big K
Girls: big K
YCL: Give me a little k
Girls: little k
YCL: give me a big milk!
YCL: give me a little milk!
Girls: skim

Mm-Ah Went the Little Green Frog

Mm-ah went the little green frog one day
Mm-ah went the little green frog
Mm-ah went the little green frog one day
And his eyes went Mm-mn-Ah

Honk honk went the big blue truck one day
Split splat went the little green frog
And his eyes don’t go Mn-Ah no more
Cuz he got locked up by a dog!
Arf Arf!


(repeat after me song )
There was a great big moose
Who liked to drink a lot of juice
There was a great big moose
Who liked to drink a lot of juice
Singing way-oh way-oh, Way-oh way-oh way-oh
Way- oh way-oh, Way-oh way-oh way-oh

The moose’s name was Fred
He liked to drink his juice in bed
The moose’s name was Fred
He liked to drink his juice in bed
Singing way-oh way-oh, Way-oh way-oh way-oh
Way- oh way-oh, Way-oh way-oh way-oh

He drank his juice with care
Until he spilled it everywhere
He drank his juice with care
Until he spilled it everywhere
Singing way-oh way-oh, Way-oh way-oh way-oh
Way- oh way-oh, Way-oh way-oh way-oh

There’s a moose
On the loose
Full of juice

Singing way-oh way-oh, Way-oh way-oh way-oh
Way- oh way-oh, Way-oh way-oh way-oh

Mormon Boys Rap

I like boys who follow Christ and I cannot lie!
You other sisters can’t deny
When a boy walks in
With a scripture case
And a smile upon his face
You get a date!
A celestial mate- but wait!
He’s going’ on a mission
Leavin’ you wishin’ that you had a man!
Someone to hold your hand!
So deacons what?
Teachers what?
We don’t like your features! ( what!?)
You’re brothers are hot and you are not
So give me those righteous priests! YAH!

Mother Gooney Bird

Mother gooney bird had 7 chicks
7 chicks had Mother Gooney Bird
They couldn’t fly, They couldn’t swim
They could only go like this:
Right wing!

Mother gooney bird had 7 chicks
7 chicks had Mother Gooney Bird
They couldn’t fly, They couldn’t swim
They could only go like this:
Right wing, left wing

Mother gooney bird had 7 chicks
7 chicks had Mother Gooney Bird
They couldn’t fly, They couldn’t swim
They could only go like this:
Right wing, Left wing, Right foot

Mother gooney bird had 7 chicks
7 chicks had Mother Gooney Bird
They couldn’t fly, They couldn’t swim
They could only go like this:
Right wing, Left wing, Right foot, Left foot

Mother gooney bird had 7 chicks
7 chicks had Mother Gooney Bird
They couldn’t fly, They couldn’t swim
They could only go like this:
Right wing, Left wing, Right foot, Left foot
Bum out

Mother gooney bird had 7 chicks
7 chicks had Mother Gooney Bird
They couldn’t fly, They couldn’t swim
They could only go like this:
Right wing, Left wing, Right foot, Left foot
Bum out, Chin up

Mother gooney bird had 7 chicks
7 chicks had Mother Gooney Bird
They couldn’t fly, They couldn’t swim
They could only go like this:
Right wing, Left wing, Right foot, Left foot
Bum out, Chin up, Tongue out

Mother gooney bird had 7 chicks
7 chicks had Mother Gooney Bird
They couldn’t fly, They couldn’t swim
They could only go like this:
Right wing, Left wing, Right foot, Left foot
Bum out, Chin up, Tongue out, Turn around

Mother gooney bird had 7 chicks
7 chicks had Mother Gooney Bird
They couldn’t fly, They couldn’t swim
They could only go like this:
Right wing, Left wing, Right foot, Left foot
Bum out, Chin up, Tongue out, Turn around, Sit down!

Muffin Shop

Three muffins in the muffin shop
Ya know the kind with the honey
and the nuts on top
Along came a girl with a penny to spare
And she took that muffin and ran outta there

Two little muffins in the muffin shop
Ya know the kind with the honey
And the nuts on top
Along came a girl with a penny to spare
And she took that muffin and ran outta there

One little muffin in the muffin shop
Ya know the kind with the honey
And the nuts on top
Along came a girl with a penny to spare
And she took that muffin and ran outta there

No little muffins in the muffin shop
Ya know the kind with the honey
And the nuts on top
Along came a girl with a penny to spare
And there were no muffins to take outta there

My Name is “Lemme”

What’s your name little boy
My name is lemme
Lemme what, Little boy?
Lemme kiss ya!
What’s your name little girl?
My name is Ida
Ida what, little girl?
I don’t wanna.

What’s your name little boy?
My name is Lemme
Lemme what, little boy?
Lemme kiss ya
What’s your name little girl?
My name’s Alaska
Alaska what little girl?
I’ll ask my mama

What’s your name little boy?
My name is Lemme
Lemme what, little boy?
Lemme kiss ya
What’s your name little girl?
My name is Olly
Olly what little girl?
Olly right!

Noah’s Ark

The Lord told Noah
“There’s gonna be a floody, floody.” (echo)
Get those animals out of the muddy, muddy,
Children of the Lord

So rise and shine and give God your glory glory
Rise and shine and give god your glory glory
Children of the Lord.

So Noah he built them he built them an arky, arky (echo)
Built it out of hickory barky, barky, Children of the Lord


The animals, they came on,
they came on by twosies ,twosies (echo)
Elephants and kangaroosies, roosies children of the Lord


It rained and rained for forty daysies, daysies. (echo)
Nearly drove the animals crazy crazy Children of the Lord.


The sun came out and dried up the landy, landy (echo)
Everything was fine and dandy, dandy Children of the Lord

The animals they came off,
they came off by threesies, threesies (echo)
Hippopotamuses and chimpanzeesies, zeesies
Children of the Lord


And this is the end, the end of the story, story (echo)
Everything is hunky dory, dory children of the lord

Oh I Wish I Were

Oh, I wish I were a little bar of soap, Oh I wish I were a little bar of soap, I would slippy and I’d slidey, over everybody’s hidey. Oh, I wish I were a little bar of soap.

Oh, I wish I were a little hunk of mud…./I’d ooey and I’d gooey under everybody’s shoey….

Oh, I wish I were a little can of pop…./I’d go down with a slurp and I’d come up with a burp…

Oh, I wish I were a little slippery root….I’d sit upon the trail and knock everyone on his tail…..

Oh, I wish I were a little mosquito….I’d buzzy and I’d bitey under everybody’s nighty…

Oh My Tania

(Tune of Clementine)
Oh my Tania, Oh my Tania,
I have a story to tell,
All about my time at girls camp,
And how I got, the girls camp smell.

Oh my Tania, Oh my Tania,
Haven’t bathed, or washed my clothes,
Where this girls camp smell comes from,
Only heaven really knows.

Oh my Tania, Oh my Tania,
Don’t come close, stay far away,
Or else the smell I got at girls camp
Will surely make you faint

Princess Pat and Her Rick-a-bamboo

Princess Pat and her Rick-a-bamboo

(repeat after me song)
The Princess Pat, lived in a tree
She sailed across, the 7 seas
She sailed across the channel 2
And she took with her, a rick-a-bamboo
A rick-a-bamboo, now what is that?
It’s somethin’ made, by the princess pat
It’s red and gold, and purple too
That’s why it’s called a rick-a-bamboo

Now Captain Jack had a mighty fine crew
He sailed across, the channel 2
His ship did sink and so will you
If you don’t take a rick-a-bamboo
A rick-a-bamboo, now what is that?
It’s somethin’ made by the Princess Pat
It’s red and gold, and purple too
That’s why it’s called a rick-a-bamboo

The Princess Pat, saw Captain Jack
She reeled him in, and brought him back
She saved his life, and his crew too
And she did it all with a rick-a-bamboo
A rick-a-bamboo, now what is that?
It’s somethin’ made, by the Princess Pat
It’s red and gold, and purple too
That’s why it’s called a rick-a-bamboo

Now Captain Jack and Princess Pat
They fell in love and that was that
They had 9 kids and so will you
If you don’t take a rick-a-bamboo
A rick-a-bamboo, now what is that?
It’s somethin’ made, by the Princess Pat
It’s red and gold and purple too
That’s why it’s called a rick-a-bamboo

Purple Soup

(repeat until everyone is standing up)
We’re makin’ a purple soup
Bo boi boi boi
We’re makin’ a purple soup
Shooby doo be doo
Purple Potatoes and Purple tomatoes
And we want YOU!!
(point at someone, and they must stand up and join in the song)

Raisin Bran

More raisins
Fat and juicy raisins
More raisins than you have ever seen before,
If you like raisins
Fat and juicy raisins
Then you’ll like Raisin Bran more and more
And more and more and MORE!
( repeat song many times- growing louder with each time until screaming)

Sipping Cider

(repeat after me song)

The cutest boy,
I ever saw
Was sippin’ ciiiiiiiii—
— der through a straw
The cutest boy I ever saw
Was sipping ci-ee-i-ee-ider through a straw

I asked him if,
he’d show me how
To sip that ciiiiiiii—
—-der through a straw
I asked him if he’d show me how
To sip that ci-ee-i-ee-ider through a straw

First cheek to cheek,
then jaw to jaw
We’d sip that ciiiiiiii—
—-der through a straw
First cheek to cheek then jaw to jaw
We’d sip that ci-ee-i-ee-ider through a straw

Ev’ry now and then,
that straw would slip
We’d sip that ciiiiiiii—
—-der lip to lip
Ev’ry now and then,
that straw would slip
We’d sip that ci-ee-i-ee-ider through a straw

The preacher came,
to our back door
To sip that ciiiiiii—
—der through a straw
The preacher came to our back door
To sip that ci-ee-i-ee-ider through a straw

And now I have
A mother-in-law
And 49 kiiiiii—
—iids to call me Ma
And now I have a mother-in-law
And 49 kids to call me Ma

The moral of
The story is
Don’t sip that ciiiii—
—der lip to lip
The moral of the story is
Don’t sip that ci-ee-i-ee-ider lip to lip

Squirrel Song

Squirrel, squirrel
Shake your bushy tail
Squirrel, squirrel
Shake your bushy tail.
Crinkle up your little nose
Stick a nut between your toes.
Squirrel squirrel
Shake your bushy tail

Swiss Boy

The beat you keep with your hands.
[Both hands pat the upper thigh, clap hands together, then snap fingers]

Oooooooooh Aaaaaa
Swiss boy went yodeling on a mountain so high, when along came a skier interrupting his cry

Ooooh Le Raah
Oh Le Ra Kee Kee-ah, Oh Le Ra Kee Koo Koo Koo Koo
Oh Le Ra Kee Kee-ah, Oh Le Ra Kee Koo Koo Koo Koo
Oh Le Ra Kee Kee-ah, Oh Le Ra Kee Koo Koo Koo Koo
Oh Le Ra Kee Kee-ah Ah Ooooooh
Oooooooooh Aaaaaa

Swiss boy went yodeling on a mountain so high, when along came an avalanche interrupting his cry

Ooooh Le Raah, Oh Le Ra Kee Kee-ah
Oh Le Ra Kee Koo Koo Koo Koo
Swish, Rumble Rumble
Oh Le Ra Kee Kee-ah
Oh Le Ra Kee Koo Koo Koo Koo
Swish, Rumble Rumble
Oh Le Ra Kee Kee-ah, Oh Le Ra Kee Koo Koo Koo Koo
Oh Le Ra Kee Kee-ah Ah Ooooooh
Oooooooooh Aaaaaa

Swiss boy went yodeling on a mountain so high, when along came a St. Bernard interrupting his cry

Ooooh Le Raah, Oh Le Ra Kee Kee-ah
Oh Le Ra Kee Koo Koo Koo Koo
Swish, Rumble Rumble, Arf! Arf!

Oh Le Ra Kee Kee-ah, Oh Le Ra Kee Koo Koo Koo Koo
Swish, Rumble Rumble, Arf! Arf!

Oh Le Ra Kee Kee-ah, Oh Le Ra Kee Koo Koo Koo Koo
Oh Le Ra Kee Kee-ah Ah Oh!
Oooooooooh Aaaaaa

Skier [Swish! hands make a ski slope gesture]
Avalanche [Rumble! hands roll together]
St. Bernard [Arf! Arf! drooping hands]
Ambulance [Neeeeerrrrrr! finger up, whirl it around]
Grizzly bear [Raaawr! hands/claws put up]
Swiss Maid [Kiss Kiss! Kissy Kissy with mouth]
Skunk [PeeeYeeeew! peee yew face]


I’m a little teapot
Short and stout
Here is my handle
Here is my spout
When I get all steamed up
Hear me shout
Tip me over and pour me out

Teen-ee Ween-ee House-ee

I live-ee in-ee teen-ee ween-ee house-ee
I live-ee on-ee thirty-first-ee floor
I take the laundry, dirty, dirty laundry
Ruffles and petticoats, ten cents more
I like a chow-chow better than a bow-wow
I like a foxy guy and he like-a me
Way down in Hong Kong,
big-a momma come-along-a (deep voice)
She take my foxy guy away from me!

The Tree in a Hole

(repeat after me song)
Everyone: And the green grass grows all around and around and the green grass grows all around

And in the ground, There was a hole
the cutest little hole, That you ever did see
Everyone: And the hole was in the ground and the green grass grows all around and around and the green grass grows all around

And in that hole, There was a tree
cutest little tree, That you ever did see
Everyone: And the tree was in the hole and the hole was in the ground and the green grass grows all around and around and the green grass grows all around

And on that tree, There was a branch
The cutest little branch, That you ever did see
Everyone: And the branch was on the tree and the tree was in the hole and the hole was in the ground and thgreen grass grows all around and around and the green grass grows all around

And on that branch (and on that branch)
There was a twig, The cutest little twig
That you ever did see
Everyone: And the twig was on the branch and the branch was on the tree and the tree was in the hole and the hole was in the ground and the green grass grows all around and around and the green grass grows all around

And on that twig, There was a nest
The cutest little nest, That you ever did see
Everyone: And the nest was on the twig and the twig was on the branch and the branch was on the tree and the tree was in the hole and the hole was in the ground and the green grass grows all around and around and the green grass grows all around

And in that nest, There was an egg
The cutest little egg, That you ever did see
Everyone: And the egg was in the nest and the nest was on the twig and the twig was on the branch and the branch was on the tree and the tree was in the hole and the hole was in the ground and the green grass grows all around and around and the green grass grows all around

And in that egg, There was a bird
The cutest little bird, That you ever did see
Everyone: And the bird was in the egg and the egg was in the nest and the nest was on the twig and the twig was on the branch and the branch was on the tree and the tree was in the hole and the hole was in the ground and the green grass grows all around and around and the green grass grows all around

And on that bird, There was a germ
The cutest little germ, That you ever did see
Everyone: And the germ was on the bird and the bird was in the egg and the egg was in the nest and the nest was on the twig and the twig was on the branch and the branch was on the tree and the tree was in the hole and the hole was in the ground and the green grass grows all around and around and the green grass grows all around

And on that germ, There was a hair
The cutest little hair, That you ever did see
Everyone: And the hair was on the germ and the germ was on the bird and the bird was in the egg and the egg was in the nest and the nest was on the twig and the twig was on the branch and the branch was on the tree and the tree was in the hole and the hole was in the ground and the green grass grows all around and around and the green grass grows all around

And on that hair, There was a single micro organism
The cutest little single micro organism
That you ever did see
Everyone: And the single micro organism was on the hair and the hair was on the germ and the germ was on the bird and the bird was in the egg and the egg was in the nest and the nest was on the twig and the twig was on the branch and the branch was on the tree and the tree was in the hole and the hole was in the ground and the green grass grows all around and around and the green grass grows all around

Three Little Angels

Three little angels all dressed in white
Tryna get to heaven on the end of a kite
But the kite string broke and down they all fell
Instead of goin’ to heaven they all went to —

Three little devils all dressed in red
Tryna get to heaven on the end of a thread
But the thread string broke and down they all fell
Instead of goin’ to heaven they all went to —

Three little aliens all dressed in green
Tryna get to heaven on a washing machine
But the washing machine broke and down they all fell
Instead of goin’ to heaven they all went to –

Don’t get excited
Don’t lose your head
Instead of goin’ to heaven
They all went to bed!

Um Plucka Plucka

She sat in her garden and strummed her guitar
Strummed her guitar
Strummed her guitar
She sat in her garden and strummed her guitar
Strummed her guita-a-a-ar
Um plucka plucka, um plucka plucka
Um pluck pluck pluck

He sat down beside her and smoked his cigar
Smoked his cigar
Smoked his cigar
He sat down beside her and smoked his cigar
Smoked his ciga-a-a-ar
Um plucka plucka, um plucka plucka
Um pluck pluck pluck

He told her he loved her but oh how he lied
Oh how he lied
Oh how he lied
He told her he loved her but oh how he lied
Oh how he li-i-i-ied
Um plucka plucka, um plucka plucka
Um pluck pluck pluck

They were to be married but somehow she died
Somehow she died
Somehow she died
They were to be married but somehow she died
Somehow she die-ie-ie-ied
Um plucka plucka, um plucka plucka
Um pluck pluck pluck

He went to her funeral and laughed til he cried
Laughed til he cried
Laughed til he cried
He went to her funeral and laughed til he cried
Laughed til he cri-I-I-ied
Um plucka plucka, um plucka plucka
Um pluck pluck pluck

The tombstone fell over and split splat he died
Split splat he died
Split splat he died
The tombstone fell over and split splat he died
Split splat he die-ie-ie-ied
Um plucka plucka, um plucka plucka
Um pluck pluck pluck

She went up there and fluttered and flied
Flittered and flied
Flittered and flied
She went up there and flittered and flied
Flittered and flie-i-i-i-ied
Um plucka plucka, um plucka plucka
Um pluck pluck pluck

He went down there and sizzled and fried
Sizzled and fried
Sizzled and fried
He went down there and sizzled and fried
Sizzled and fri-i-i-ied
Um plucka plucka, um plucka plucka
Um pluck pluck pluck

The moral of the story is never to lie
Never to lie
Never to lie
The moral of the story is never to lie
Never to lie-i-i-ie
Um plucka plucka, um plucka plucka
Um pluck pluck pluck

Woonie Koonie

A woonie koonie jawa woonie
A woonie koonie jawa woonie
Ay yie yie yippie yie kie yay moose!
Ay yie yie yippie yie kie yay moose!
Amoooose. A woonie kee chee. (x2)